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I dont have dvd burning software and am thinking about buying something like Nero 6. Can anyone tell me would this remove copyright from the dvds so I could burn them? Also Is nero any good? Anyone...
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Can anyone tell me the name of a reputable site where I do a free virus scan of my computer?
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Has anyone bought this lawnmower recently? How much did you pay?
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When is the best time to check the oil level for my car. When the engine has been running for a while? When it is cold? I checked it after it had been sitting all night and was told that was wrong.
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What is the difference between being dissatisfied and unsatisfied
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Why does google have that water theme?
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Can anyone tell me the calling code for the USA?
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Do they still sell Carling Premier. I tired to get it at Waitrose but they said they didnt sell it? Would I have to go to threshers or somewhere like that?
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Can anyone tell me how I can set up two monitors on my computer.  I have plugged in my 17 inch flat screen with the white cable and have also plugged in my crt 15inch with the blue cable but only...
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I attached a flat monitor to my computer just to see what it would look like and then put my old (crt) one back on. But I have done something to the display settings because all my icons on my desktop...
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My boss is such a bully and is always putting people down. Almost every week someone goes home crying.  I am going to write a letter to the head of the company but can I take it any...
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Has anyone ever used that (sorry dont know what its called) electric thing you put on a pipe and it is supposed to stop lime scale in your house. How does it work? Is it worth buying? 
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I am 24 and have been left ?75,000. At the moment it is in an Allied Dunbar bank account in London, the interest rate is 4.25%. I plan to put this money towards a new house in about a years time. Can...
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I have only had my computer a short time but would love to try out these chat sites can anyone tell some sites to go to? How do I find them?
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Did anyone see that advert where the women is breastfeeding on Tarrant on TV, it was so funny does anyone know where i can download it?
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Does anyone know if Bill Gates has donated any money to the Tsunami appeal?
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When I click on the firefox icon on my desktop it opens on a certain page. I want to change it so it opens on hotmail, how do I do this?
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I am selling my old computer on ebay but would like to clean the hard drive before I do this. Does anyone know of any thing I can download to do this with?

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