I am thinking about buying a sky link so I can watch sky in another room. I see there on ebay for a ?5. Do they really work and give a good picture? I would love to hear from someone that has one.
A lot of my sky + box recordings seem to fail. I was just wondering, does this happen to many people? Also alot of the time if i try to pause live tv it just says please wait. Does anyone have a sky+...
I am selling a phone on ebay, plan to get around ?10 for it. Today I got an email from someone saying they would like to buy it for ?190 for their girlfriend in nigeria. I assume this is a scam can...
I am having sky installed tomorrow and they have said I need to have a phone socket available to plug a cable into. My question is, if I take this out after the installer leaves will sky know? Or is...
My friend overseas has just got a free flight becuase she had so many points on her credit card. Does anyone in the UK have a credit card where you get airmiles for your purchases, or any other...
I just got an 30gb iPod. I can put songs on it fine, but how do I put photos on? They dont seem to drag into my library like songs do. Anyone out there have photos on their ipod?
Someone from work is renting a room off me for a few months. Should I draw up a contract? What should be in it? Has anyone experienced this before? Any advice you can give is greatly appreciated.