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Can anyone tell me the calling code for the USA?
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Do they still sell Carling Premier. I tired to get it at Waitrose but they said they didnt sell it? Would I have to go to threshers or somewhere like that?
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Can anyone tell me how I can set up two monitors on my computer.  I have plugged in my 17 inch flat screen with the white cable and have also plugged in my crt 15inch with the blue cable but only...
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I attached a flat monitor to my computer just to see what it would look like and then put my old (crt) one back on. But I have done something to the display settings because all my icons on my desktop...
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My boss is such a bully and is always putting people down. Almost every week someone goes home crying.  I am going to write a letter to the head of the company but can I take it any...
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I have heard these two are playing each other today.  Does anyone know what time and will it be on tv at all?
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What is the best way to remove hair from the male Genital area??
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I am a pregnant teenager and quite frankly I'm sick of the dirty looks I get from people on the street.  Why do so many people judge on how good a parent you will be by the years you have been...
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i bought a 2nd hand uk playstation 2 with dvd software, will it play multi region discs or just region 1? I have no manuals with it and don`t want to buy any american discs on the offchance i can play...
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If this were to get into the blood stream...does anyone have any idea if it is poisonous or not
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When I click on the firefox icon on my desktop it opens on a certain page. I want to change it so it opens on hotmail, how do I do this?
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Does anyone find it sad that Australia donated 40 million dollars to the Tsunami victims in Asia while Canada, one of the richests countries, only donates a lousy two million?
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Dom Tuk
Lots of trees seem to have Ivy on them in vast amounts. The dead ones definetly do. Does Ivy eventually cause death of trees. Is it a problem that we have not woken up to yet.
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how about a US version? or a section that we can ask each other questions about difference's we see, like how we call a commercial an ad and others call it an advert. things like that,
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I am selling my old computer on ebay but would like to clean the hard drive before I do this. Does anyone know of any thing I can download to do this with?
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Hello I was resently convicted of growing cannabis. Yes thats right I grew a few plants for personal use and admitted it, I got a ?50 fine and about 5 weeks worth of weekend community...
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I know very little about computers so any help on this matter is greatly appreciated. I am getting a new computer and want to put all my old word documents, music and pictures that I have...
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I am owed 2000 pounds from someone. Is going to the small claims court the best way of getting it back? Will it cost me anything?
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a friend just got stung for 180 quid with one, i know they dont occur with broadband but how else can they be prevented? does having norton anti virus help?
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I would like to have my teeth whitened but unfortunately can't afford to have it done at the denist. Does anyone know of any you can buy which are easy to use.  Thanks.

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