Desperate to solve the last few questions please: 1. Who was the shortest-reigning British monarch? 2. Who was known as the 'Count of Monte Fisto'? 3. 8 = NOVOAC 4. 20 = NOKIAB 5. 9 = TSROEO 6....
Answers are plants, fruits, trees etc 1. Two Royal Names 2. Does that black hat sound like part of a uniform? 3. is it St Pauls, Hyde Park, Nelsons Column or what?
Numbers: 1. 12 D O A D S D 2. 12 E I A D British Cities and towns: 1. Did he gain battles in vain? Art: 1. What is the term for underpainting showing thru a picture? Pop: 1. How many weeks did Teresa...
1. Where does the character Halcyon appear? 2. Which is the odd one out - DVD, CST, ROM, RAM? 3. George had a problem - to which female does this refer. Many thanks in anticipation of some answers.
1. What comes next, after ' Spent some on Tuesday'?
2. Which is the odd one out - DVD. CST, ROM,. RAM?
3. Which is the off one out - Olivet, Gorgonzella, Molbo, Tilsiti?