6a - Luo is this sort of language 7letters N***T** 1a - A limpet is this sort of Mollusc 9 letters G******** 18d - Terriers with long forlegs 9letters **K***A**
Last Two Town that is the capital of Tarn department in the south of France 4letters ***i Understatement used in language for effect, such as "that smarts" meaning is extremely painful 7 letters...
They're rapidly becoming the next superpower yet it seems they're also a rogue state, they're still communist, still appear to oppose human rights and still very much in good relation with North...
Did anyone else get the feeling that Ronaldo was being shunned by his team mates last night? I know it stinks of schoolyard bust ups but footballers can be very petty. His Head and shoulders were down...
Is Stewart Downing also a coward when he plays for Middlesbrough....?? 3 times, we spotted him jumping out of tackles and when asked to defend, wouldnt get close enough to the Paraguayan player to...
21a - Ancient egyptian city made capital by the 21sr-dynasty pharaohs 5letters **N** 12a - A 16th century three-halfpenny coin 9letters ****I*R*T 4d - Built of horizontal beams, not arches and vaults...
I was amused at the England Scotland rivalry on AB, so please help by sorting this question out for me. My father (god rest his sole) was Scottish, my mother is English and she lives in Wales. I was...