I've had an iPhone 4 for a while and have always received photos from other people fine. Lately I've received a couple which direct me to the o2 website to "view my multi media message"....
Had a can of beer last night and on the side it said “Best Drunk Before August, 2012″. I’ve just e-mailed them thanking them for that prestigious award which, of course I graciously...
I WAS DELIGHTED when the kind people at the Inland Revenue wrote to me recently, telling me that my tax return was 'outstanding', particularly since I can't even remember sending it in.
THESE PEOPLE who object to gay men bringing up children, saying they will lack female role models show a staggering level of ignorance. Surely they'll get all the feminine influence they need with...
I WENT to sign on the other day and was told that I couldn't have any money due to the fact that I was in full time employment. If this government think I'm going to give up a perfectly good job just...
Paddy and Mick stand on a cliff with their arms outstretched. Paddy has some budgies lined up on each arm; Mick has parrots lined up on his arms. After a couple of minutes, they both leap off the...
PEOPLE say that I am as honest as the day is long. Does this mean that in winter, as the days become shorter, I become proportionately less honest, and might therefore be tempted to start shoplifting,...
Man who wants pretty nurse, must be patient. Passionate kiss, like spider web, leads to undoing of fly. Lady who goes camping must beware of evil intent. Squirrel who runs up woman's leg will not find...
IT SEEMS very unfair that people brand certain dogs as 'dangerous'. These dogs spend less that 1% of their lives biting people and yet they are branded as dangerous. 99% of the time they are not...
OPPONENTS of fox hunting foolishly suggest that drag hunting would be an adequate replacement for our sport. Well I for one would take no pleasure from hunting foxes dressed in women's clothing.
I RECENTLY had to use a public phone box in London, and was shocked to see a card advertising advertising a 'Spanking by a naughty nurse, any time'. No wonder my mother has been waiting for a hip...
Did you hear the one about the man who went to the barbers and asked for a Tony Curtis? The barber said "yes sir no problem just relax" the chap relaxed in the chair thinking of the date he...
The boundry between two buildings appears to be spelled without the letter "a" With the cricket boundary however the "a" seems to appear. Are these not the same word ? Is this an...
Two guys, one old, one young, are pushing their carts around Wal-Mart when they collide. The old guy says to the young guy, "Sorry about that. I'm looking for my wife, and I guess I wasn't paying...