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please could anyone assist - no number of letters given: 1. Isaac's Birmingham hill 2. a short holiday cottage thanks...
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please has anyone solved no. 28-sounds like a major cornish attraction (3.4.) thanks...
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please has anyone the answer to no ll. man weight -number of letters not given thanks...
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please could someone help- royal... (8 letters)...clock royal...(3.5.letters) thanks...
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please could you help- all answers contain double t 1.a lawyer who deals,often deceptively,with trivial cases(11) 2. to refuse to deal,trade or associate with,and ignore socially no letters given....
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please could you help on last two- jennifer + michael (12) sounds like a bumpy journet (4) thanks...
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having problem with last one-help appreciated : the last letter of the answer if the first letter of the next - my last letter was 'k' and the question is 'half a composer??!! Thanks...
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please could you help on these few- 1.the answer is a fruit -i.e. make of computer-apple - Could be a blind one! no number of letters given. 2. places in England with 'a metal' in the name - Pursuing...
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please could someone help- proverb c.n.p 5.5.4 thanks...
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please does anyone still have the numbers for tuesday 24th-thanks
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can anyone please help on these :- 11. noted singer,perhaps (6) 16. distant object (8) 42. former spanish gold coin (8) 68. cheap sensational book/comic (5.8.) 88. currency in a stranded African...
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please could you help on my last four flower questions- 1. economical management (6) 2. Father outside, off back to get 49 (8) 3. What the birds need to pay (10) 4.Article with virgin and two students...
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please could someone help me with the last three - 23, derrick (5) 25. Hands on for the children here (7,4) 28. Lets Eliza mess up. Really ? (5) thanks...
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could anyone help please = need a link word of six letters to go between personal...... time thanks...
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going on a cruise in july to the baltic = just wondered whether anyone out there has been in july and what the weather is likely to be- what clothing to pack etc thanks...
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please could you help - architect of brookside (4,7,) thanks...
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could someone please help= once very popular page 3 girl in the Sun (8.3.) name of wally whytons owl - no numbers given thanks...
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please could you help on last few- 1, completely brilliant darling (2 words) 3. following a king (2 words) 40, a great living (3 words) 43. slender sad queue(4 words) thanks...
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thanks all- but i put wrong question down -should be 8a. endless choice in short programmes you start to find absorbing (11( to rhyme with heliotropic sorry for error -this is my final one...
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please could you help on last few - 4. bolduse (5.7.) to rhyme with teething troubles 8 to lie in porch moving and turning in sunlight (11) 13a. its lucky its dark out in the alley at night...

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