23a. A rat and mice dissected - it's educational (8) a---e--- 24d. Characters presented by critic on silent pictures(5) --o-s 20d. One must be soft in the head to play the xylophone (6) ---l-t Any...
9a. Counsellor taking fellows to eminence in Devon? (6) -e-t-r
17d. Shows hesitation, fine changes being needed (7) f-n-e-s (fingers?)
Any help appreciated...
9a. Policemen disguised in choice bit of shrubbery (2words) - either 13 or 15 letters. 17a. Huge fan letter circulated - it describes a film ( hyphenated ) - also 13 or 15 letters. Any help...
2d. interrogation regarding what phd student did next (two words) 11 letters t-i-d-e---e
20a. horse ones given to robert in scotland 4 letters ---b
any help appreciated...
18a. complaint rejected for example involving grave letters (5) g ----
21a. good police in a matter of some gravity (6) -----e
any help appreciated. thanks...
13a. unseemly kiss taken in sporting goods. (4) ---s 14d. Greek appalled with his character being masked. (5) --p-a (alpha?) 12a. Energy liberated being removed cold. (4) z-n- (zinc?) any help...