i came home from work to find all my windows open and everything gone ...............................just wait till i find the person responsible for eating my advent calendar chocs...
identify this bird ,it was about the size of a dove a really lovely creamy brown colour with a long flash of blue and a flash of black down it's wings...
watched the 1st 10 minute show last night on catch up and didn't find it very good ,won't be watching the others .shame as i always watched the tv prog before and loved them x
a couple moved into our road 2 doors down from us they have 3 rugrat dogs that bark all the time when they are out but just lately they open their back gate and let them run about the alley where they...
maybe because i was a naval wife for many years i find all the crying when they receive things from home laughable ..the trials seem a lot easier this year too .
a man was bragging to his friend that he was sleeping with twins "how do you tell them apart" "that's easy"he replied "Debbie has blond hair and Derek has a moustache "...
son got keys to his flat last friday ,we have been running about trying to get things for him ,a charity gave him fridgefreezer and cooker ,sofa ,bed .we bought carpets for lounge bedroom hall and...
sorry to bore you with this but im happy ......son was given a place in a hostel during lock down ,it seems to have worked wonders on him he is on a very low dose of subutex.is looking after himself...
went for a coffee with mr mally yesterday we always go to a little cafe with 4 outside tables where the smokers can sit in peace and watch the world go by but at one of the tables was a lady with her...