This sprung to mind as I've just finished a meal of fish and chips (home cooked, not takeaway) with tartare sauce. I like the latter so much I then start spooning it straight out of the jar - yum... ...
Answers are composition and composer EV EE B. MR TLA. RVW EKN. WAM what word can go after and before the following daily. Order newcastle. Bess bill Bridge stand. ... ...
Today's dingbat: EGAMI As well as the word "image" being back to front the individual letters are reversed. The obvious answer is "reverse image" but wondering if anyone can think of anything... ...
Brain drain again. Help please 3d Recovered work line 11 letters ????????o?? 4d Are they thought discerning? 11 letters ????????e?? 2a Ones burning desire. 9 letters????????? 29a Convert takes first... ...
Dingbats 2 The word H A V E with each letter screwed, as if on a notice. The last letter E has a screw loose so that the E is tilted at an angle 5. The word COLD with the little word Dawn... ...
27a as in any drama youd see how one does it for folly or fun(4-4)pla?-a??? 29a that secret society, quaintly called family,black and white it aint(4)k??? 16d cat not on the mat,yo, a strange... ...
Places on a route across the UK. Either the clue or answer have a link to units. 1)Hours amended at end of event .(6) 17)Gritty 4840sq yards we hear(9) 27)No watts in log so discard... ...
I watched the movie of 'Chicago' again recently. The stage show is better but live shows generally are better. I still enjoyed it though. I thought Catherine Zeta Jones played Velma... ...
Good morning everyone - it's a long weekend here, with a holiday Monday and for those who like it, the weather is going to be hot ....34+ and hopefully not too windy !! I'll be staying pretty much... ...