There are three Ditloids I am having trouble with. I would appreciate any help I can get. They are:-1. 22 B in the H S 2. 100 G in a Z 3. 8 L in an O S P Than you all in advance....
Last one please can you help
The answers are names of British and American comedy Duos or double acts
3. Prestigious stage in a London Borough (3 8 7 2 5)...
21)Comes last but still useful (6,5)
18)Keith's hugger (5,8)
50)Atomic number is usually the first not last (3,6)
49)Puzzling clue ? Try this collection (7)...
16Dn Make-up fancifully in vessel used by Apple? (8) E?E?I?E? It looks like EYELINER, but I can't parse it.
CotW :- Destroy egg sandwiches near bananas (10) INC???????...
Play about doormen controlled by a sports bra. 8 letters.
Tickets please.2,9,5 letters.
Scotsman's punt on hydrogen (don't mention it) 7 letters.
Opera about Duke of Burgundy's wife. 6,9 letters....
Still struggling with this quiz and the closing date is getting close. All answers relate to Home. Just a few left please. No numbers of letters unfortunately No.10 A not very polite name for cabin...