Answers are the same spelling with a different meaning No.14 Nose to tail with a perspective (3) (beginning with f,g,h,i,j) No.27 Change over with an old form of punishment (6) (beginning with s or t)...
57.the tomboy elicitors get in a right spin to help out (2) 60. Will it take you for a city ride in a cylinder?(2) 68.make room for a piece of weaving equipment (2) 72 I hear its like a very cold...
22. This Vehicle was made shorter (7) 23. Grandfather's Clock was too large for this (5) 24. Sounds like Container for part of your body (5 & £0 26. Grief D (6) 25. Used to boil an egg (8) I wonder is...
8. First Prize for uncooked bread (6) I think this should be dough, but not enough letters. 14. Capable after tea (5) 16. Change first letter to N to be stung (6) 17. Three letters of a month on (5)...