1. A diary itemise
2. Mix a period of time thank you
3.Care of a rodent and stir
4.rearranged singer
5.healthy eating director
6. An oil one is idle but stirred
7. Mock a water hole...
5. first read by rail (7) 6. part of a dance and drink with you (7) 10. standard debt mixed (6) 11. you could gauge sony here (9) 12. dance if there is a space (7) 15. was this family lifted (10) 25....
All clues and answers relate to different types of movement....most are cryptic...
So... "Vehicle's private road on the move" (5 letters)
Any ideas? Thanks...
20. did he run up the stairs ? (5,9)
35. singing letter on county town (6,7)
56. he must have had that sinking feeling (6,1,5)
59. sounds like a man who likes gardening (3,6)...
OK - my neighbour is doing a quiz to raise money for children in need - no prizes so I'm not cheating!!!, but i am trying to take part and I am rubbish at cryptic clues - anyone have any ideas - all...
BATHING in bold with the top of each letter sliced off
IRELAND with IRE in bold the rest normal
MIND with the letters made out of a train track
Eg. Starts with E = L A S A O L I E N C
Answer is Escallonia
1. Starts with P = W O L F R A C H E P E G O G E D
Any help would be greatly appreciated - thanks...
Answers are a girls name
Round computer disk component 5,5. Easily frightened organ 4,7. Treat someone in an over indulgent way 11. She is brave enough to go from a safe place 5,5....