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Hello, I just wanted to mention to all the guys on Answer Bank who are soon to be or recently have become a Dad. Spare a thought for your partner and be very watchful of her as this condition can have...
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Come on gang - help is needed so pick your brains!! I did sort of post a bit of this question in Law a while back but got a couple of replies that thought I was up to something sinister, which I'm...
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do you type then think? or think then type ?
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Always one to be thinking ahead! Inspiration needed & Who is having what?
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i had a look at the wombles on youtube but this is the best theme to a kids show ever!!!!!
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Right i've decided to spend the rest of my day on ebay buying for baby... Please inform me of whether these things are worth buying or not!! MUSLIN SQUARES - YAY OR NAY?...
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great aint they!!!..... but my question is!!!......... what treat are you into at the mo, for making your soul feel good!!!
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im not a mum yet, but do think about how i'd like to do things. what kind of nappies did you use on your children. i really would like to use terry towel nappies but am wanting to know from mums and...
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how can i convince my son who is now 24 yrs old to leave home and find a place of his own he as a good job but is content to stay here as long as someone cooks and cleans for him should we stop...
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didn't he look like spock tonight? part from the pointy ears.smug git arf
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First of all - thanks AB for the blast from the past that is Tetris! But - just a suggestion - is it possible to have a "pause" button somewhere? There I am, piling up the points, pop off to see who's...
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I also want to know if anyone out there knows of the collection of stories from the 1940s or 50s which included Grizelda and the rain fairies. It was a charming book of stories and the frontspiece was...
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Could somebody enlighten me on the rules for getting married whilst on holiday in the UK? Do you have to have 'lived' there for a period of time before being allowed to marry there?
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i have stretch marks on my stomach, do you find it a turn off in a girl?
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whos going ? put your name down so i can make u some name badges also write down what guest u will be bringing (apart from rolf harris )
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Is there anyone else out there that's happy too?
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Hi AB advisors - especially mammar and curly perm... i finally did it - today - his day of leaving! Sent a cake for the party and a nice pressie... Also phoned the school to ask him to call. Daughter...
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You and Tall Girl are doin' my 'ed in. You ask us to help you with your problems, I get involved and take a real interest and do you keep me updated? You do not. I would like to hear from the pair of...
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It is my daughters graduation in July and I have no idea what to wear for such an occasion! If there is someone who has been to one themselves and could give me some advice, protocol etc it would be...
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I have been checking (sad that i am!!) almost daily, and i feel i almost have a vested interest in this ongoing saga! Something MUST have happenned by now?? Did you ? did he? what materialised? come...

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