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do you think i should quit my job and go travelling/camping around canada with my bf for 3months? what would you do?
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Now the clocks have gone forward it makes me feel like spring is just around the corner. Has anyone got nice things to look forward to.
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what are yours like how many have you got etc?
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I have the ability (along with 2 other people I know) to shake my eyes at will (they appear to be vibrating and when I do it everything goes blurry). Does anyone know what the technical term for this...
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what should you be doing now rather than messing around on here?
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How many of you forgot to put your clocks forward.
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name all the things you have 3 or more of
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i have no friends just people i talk to at work where is the place to meet people?
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How happy are you? Not just right at this moment typing away at your computer, but in general? If you were to average out happiness since the tun of the year, what wouldyou give yourself out of 10, 1...
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why do we have little fingers and what are they for ??? thanks
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You know when you put something down on your desk, like a pen, then when you go to reach for it its not there. You look all around and cant find it, then a few minutes later, as if by magic, it...
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Why after appearing on Breakfast Telly together years ago do Timmy Mallet and Tommy Boyd not get on. I am told that Tommy Absolutely detests Timmy.
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Morning ABers the usual crop of post has just arrived and alongside the letters from friends, Credit Card bill etc is the ever present load of "To the owner" trying to sell us: 1) Double glazing from...
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Would just like to appoligise to Norman the Dog for getting at him yesterday! I have read the rules on the AB and realsied i shouldnt have done it! So im Sorry!!!
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Im In Vietnam, I thought I would just drop in and say Hi, how are you all?? XXXX
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how can you tell if someone is sincere ?? male or female?? does it make a difference if youre face to face? or can you tell anyway??
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There's a bloke in my office who's the spitting image of my ex boyfriend. Should I walk over and punch him?
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Anyone with the above surnames knocking around, preferably in the North West???
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Someone over in "Family" section is talking about "baby changing rooms" in a large department store. Is this a place you go to get a new baby if you are not 100% satisfied with the one that you...
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What happens to all the hair that falls to the floor after its been cut at the barbers?

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