Last 4 clues just driving me mad. Would really appreciate help. 25a. Spinning old lie about blokes being star-crossed.(3-6).I have ??L ???N?D 18d. Affectionate term for female vet in US. Extremely...
17a- criminal with limited good or bad luck (6) ??p?o? 16d- Post war town's safe, sheltered area (8) ?????L?E 20d- Intellectual made to support Labour leader (7) ??A?N?D 21d- Council's struggle in...
9dn - Forage plant; observes a heap round for example middle of byres (11, 2 words)
I think It begins S?E and I am looking for the answer before it is treated and entered into the grid.
1acr Religious leader comes from high top into river (8) ????i???
1dn Stand for something or other (7) ??????t
7dn Detective takes horse to look at briefly (3.4) d??????...
Two explanations please!
3acr Investigators having to keep on feeding a dog lover (10) Aficionado ?
20dn Mantra beginning to charm among element showing character in Europe (7) Omicron ?...
Can anyone who is doing today's EV please confirm the following- 1) The number of letters in the clue reading ' Queen starts to handle useful instrument' ? 2) That the number of letters (12) is...
Am stuck on 3 d Scots have parent to master bruise (9) Looks like an anagram of Scots have H_E___O_A Also 4d Gear in which one can work together or die (7) Is it harness and if so why? Is (a Cream...