A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife. A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful...
This man said to me, “I once got my dog to retrieve a stick from 100 miles away.”I said: “That’s a bit far-fetched.” So I was in the jungle and I saw this monkey with a...
Recently there was discussion by Simon Mayo & Mark Kermode on 5 Live. In GB English is it Dilemna or Dilemma? While it is of little concern to me, I wonder what the general consensus was on this?...
I have a silver-grey car and my next door neighbor has a darkish red one. Both vehicles are parked alongside each other in our respective drives. My neighbors car appears to remain free of bird...
"To be honest......." When I hear peole say this, it is usually followed by a lie. Also when people say "No, not really", I can hear a touch of indecision in their voice, so when I...
My 15 yr old son was diagnosed with Abdominal Migraine a couple of years ago. The Doc prescribed Co-Dydramol for when he's suffering and said it was quite common at that age. He has been fine last few...
Why Italians pass their handguns down through the family. An old Italian man is dying. He calls his grandson to his bedside... " ***, I wan' you lissina me. I wan' you to take-a my chrome plated...
my friend reckons that the reason that christianity has waned drastically in the western, more civilised society is simply because we are more intelligent and educated ... and this in turn explains...
I think jankers has gone to bed with the hump, haha. he tried to answer one of yesterdays questions, and ended up mistakenly putting on a question. You wont hear any more from him untill he thinks he...
Most people know that was a man of peace. He was known for non violent resistance which helped India gain it's independence. But many people do not know some of the more intimate details of his life....
I have just realised my Mum's wedding ring is missing from her hand. As some of you may know, we had her moved from one Care Home she was in on the 30th November to the one she is in now. She always...
An elderly couple were celebrating their sixtieth anniversary. The couple had married as childhood sweethearts and had moved back to their old neighbourhood after they retired. Holding hands, they...