Last two and I can't see how any answers I come up with will fit the clues. 18d By end of Sunday I had bowl for tongue Y???I?H (Yiddish is all I can come up with) and my three-letter bete noire 22a...
Can anyone help please - I have looked at every page at least three times and still cannot spot the fifth symbol. I have pages 21, 23, 73 and 101 - but just cannot locate the fifth symbol. Thank you.
Last two - and on one I just don't have a clue - can anyone help please? 10a Located suit worn by a 1950s youth S?T?A?E? .. is it "situated" and the one on which I have no idea 13a Daniel...
Just can't get this one - I have very few letters unfortunately - 26a A pistol hit cashier possibly in her books ?G?T??/????????. If anyone could tell me where I have gone wrong I would appreciate it...
Am really stuck because I have Pestalozzi as the answer to 6d which is Swiss educational reformer whose work laid the foundation for modern primary schools - but - 14a is Chinese style dish of...
Need confirmation, or otherwise, on the last one 11d State favourites do a somersault ?T?P is it step or pets backwards? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Can anyone tell me how much duty/VAT would be incurred in importing electronics from Hong Kong/China if the value of the goods does not exceed £100. Any help would be appreciated.
Can anyone please confirm that 1d is Studied, clue Boss comforts head of department that is scrutinised. S?U?I?D - the only word I could come up with but I can't see why. Thank you.
Last night I added to your answers on Dumfries & Galloway place names because I thought you had been somewhat misled - could you please check my answer? Thanks