Was diagnosed with Poly Myalgic Rhumatica 9 months ago and put on steroids, got an extensive DVT 8 weeks ago , on Warfarin for life then 2 weeks ago was diagnosed with a partially collapsed lung due...
When Connor and Luke S were told about the 50k they were told to stand behind the podium and not touch it or the button however... as the money started to go up Connor had his hands at the side of the...
I have very prominent veins, when I went for a blood test a couple of weeks ago the 'tester' said "have your veins always been like this?" Does anyone know why she would've asked this? She...
I bought a passion flower to climb over an arch which it has, however... all the leaves have been eaten, all I have is a stem and tendrils. What could have caused this and what can I do about it...
Just to let you kind folk who gave me some advice regarding my daughters dizzyness following her operation. Blood test came back normal, doc said it may have been hormonal, anyway... it's gone now and...
Thinking of going with my brother and sister in law who are not too mobile. I'm wondering how busy it gets as if it's really packed I don't think they'd cope. Thank you xx
My daughter had her fallopian tubes remove 2 weeks ago, since then she's been very light headed and dizzy. She's been to the doc who checked her b/p and did a blood test for aneamia (sp) but said he...
Worried about my girl (see my earlier post) My boy (even earlier posts) now Mr M has a bad back. He's been a hard working lad all his life but this has knocked him sidewards. I've never known him moan...
Before I start I must say I'm rubbish at anything technical. When I type text be it an email or even on AB the text becomes muddled - i.e. Hello hoyou, how you'w llyou, hope yond. That was Hello how...
Doc has found some sort of growth on my daughters fallopian tube, she has endemetriosis (sp) also her ovaries are twisted - doc will be removing both tubes at least but will wait and see what other...
Coco!!!! At last she's showing her face on AnswerBank. We'll have had her for 2 years on June 20th. She's prooving herself to be a real treasure - hard work in the begining but a good girl now. She'd...
Good morning! I need to change the next of kin details on our passports, can I just put a sticker over the page or will they have to be returned. Thank you - enjoy your day :-)