How could Louise make comment about Jay's toilet business on National TV in front of her parents and Jay's??? AND how could such a beautiful girl find farting an endearing and romantic habit they both...
Please help! I have a goal in photography - to capture a swan in flight.
I am in central Scotland and would like to know if swans fly south for the winter & WHEN???... Anyone tried to register with the above web link? What was the outcome? (if any) I have made about five or more attempts with two different browsers and still end up with a... Anyone tried to register with the above web link? What was the outcome? (if any) I have made about five or more attempts with two different browsers and still end up with a...
Just found out that one of our neighbours left her car keys & purse downstairs while upstairs for just a few minutes and within a fairly short period of time was rang by the police to tell her...
The current Walkers Crisps ad leaves me feeling a little uncomfortable with the 'Queen' song "Who Wants to Live Forever"..... Freddy wrote this -knowing he was terminal. Walkers seem to...
I am a sixty six yrs. old male with a wife several years younger. I have continued to work (part-time) for a year past retirement age and would love to retire now. My problem is my wife says 'why...
Do any ABrs in here know of a currently manufactured bread bin which will accomodate TWO full supermarket loaves? Kingsmill -without having to squash them in and squeeze shut the lid?? Why can't...
Help please.....I am trying to lower my Blood Pressure (with the aid of prescribed meds) firstly through better eating habits. Secondly, I know I should excercise on a regular basis -but just can't...