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Theres a girl at work who I'd be suprised if he'd look twice at but he's recently been joking a lot with her about vibrators and has even just bought her one for her birthday. Maybe I'm being a little...
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Hi! My bloody cat walked over my laptop, which must have changed a setting, and now everything looks a lot bigger. It's not only Firefox or IE, it's everything on my desktop. Changing font size...
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Yesterday I had a charity worker come up to me in the street whilst I was smoking and pestering me to sign up to the asthma society to donate to monthly. I made my excuses but still couldnt get him...
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OK, don't get me wrong - I like cats. The problem is we live in a fairly built up area and next door have two cats. Next door only have a small garden which they do not maintain at all and is very...
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Hi! I am off to Rome on sunday until Tuesday when I go to Naples. I have already been there, but always in a group, and we were teenagers! I'm going by myself, and I would like a "relaxing but fun"...
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Bah, the lady of the house has put us on a diet, I cant go past a field without licking a cow.. We have some Quorn bits, its so bland ..I have tried mixing it with tomatoes with herbs, but it still...
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I have read what goes on here over the last month or more and decided to take the plunge on here, are you all as nice as you sound and also it looks like you all know each other on here. It just looks...
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My partner is currently serving a sentence for GBH with intent. He reiceved a madatory life sentence (15 years) with a tariff of 2 years. (this was his 2nd offence) he has served 7 years and...
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Hi! I have to confess I thoroughly enjoy the X Factor, especially for the auditions part. Is there anywhere one can watch the ENTIRE good auditions bit, and I mean the yes's? It's so frustrating when...
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Looking back, so far, when were the best days/time in your life? Would you ever want to go back there?
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ive just eaten one of each colour winegum so does this count as my 5 a day ??
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I was with my partner for 4 yrs when he decided to relocate 100 odd miles away for work, Our relationship ended after he emailed me!! that he didnt want the pressure of coming back and forth to seeing...
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I just wanted to say a massive thank you to all the ABers, and to the site itself for being there. I have posted several questions in different categories over the last couple of years since finding...
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My boyfriend has gone away for a week to america. We've only been together about a month (although we've been close for about 3 year) And I miss him rotten. I don't have many friends. And I feel a bit...
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.. about the person who last posted.. in the name of peace and love, man :o) I'm not fishing for compliments, you can just say I can spell properly if you like! if it gets messy with cross-postings,...
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Nice end to a lovely day :) How has everyone's day been?
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This is the best yet. Yesterday when i was shutting shop i saw a small bag next to the wall outside my shop. Turns out one of my customers was sitting there with his missus having a smoke after theyd...
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i went to the beach today , havent been there for a while ,due to the weather , but i go there quite a lot when its fine ,today was different , when i got there i could hear disco music and saw lots...
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I can't believe the date i went on tonight i met her on a dating site she said she looked like a very young Felicity Kendall or a Jenny Aniston my @rse........ she looked just like Yootha Joyce just...
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well obviously it wasn't great because I'm home at 10.30. an internet dating site date. my question is this... how do people find such flattering photos????!!

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