Most clues relate back to these two - help please. 14a) Unpleasant about the north? Not necessarily(8) and 15a) Edges of road screened - one of the things making wood invisible? (4) . These two make...
19d) reluctant to communicate going round big American university workshop (6) I have s?i??? and 23a) Island home needing companion (4) I have ?n??, the last letter of 23a) is the 5th letter of 19d)....
23a) work shows how at first Adolf Hitler battled with millions (3,12) I have t?e/?i?m???l?i?? and cannot think of anything! Also 8d) Payments securing rare quality fruit (9) I have f???s???e and 11a)...
13a)Like french author rolling about in a stupor(9) I have p?o?s?i?n and 21a) Paganism put pressure on English king (9) I have ????h?n?y and 15d) Gulf state supports wicked act, taking eastern land...
16d) see 27 (6) (answer to 27 is author) I have ?o???n, and 21a) Imperative, perhaps, to reverse judgement (4) I Have ??o? . The first letter of 21a is the fourth letter of 16d. All help gratefully...
7d) Lonon theatre has American singer appearing with former pin-up (11) I have ??b???a???? and 24d) Drug courier, one going on foot (4) I have ?u?e, I can only think of cure, but if so, why? All help...
1a) Britpop group agreead to updated DVD (3,3) i have ??u/?a?. 1d) comedy film with openings in Belgium and Thailand (5) I have ??e?t and 15d) Coppers corrupt but not worried (8) I have ?n?t?p?l, all...
21a. current trouble among married people (8) I have m???r?c?
and 17d)What'shalf of a very large number? (Novel conundrum)(8) I have ?r???m?? , all help gratefully received - thankyou....
5d)Visible to all, tiger is this annualy(2,3,4) I have ??,t??,???n
14a)High up person with wan son, born to be outsider(8) I have n?????s?
All help much appreciated, thankyou...
help please with 5d)subject student initially dropped for a drug (6) i have ?h???c and 10a) Potter's support provided by Aragog, for example (6) I have ??i?e? , all help much appreciated.
These three would really help please, 18a) Department seems impartial in conflict (5-9) I have a?p?s-?a???????, 5d) One name cropping up when taking in rubbish such as celebrities? (10) I have...
20a) hat,fashionable stuff,that's brought in one funny comment (7) I have c???i?? 23a) prison board keeping one in for 'singing'(9) I have c?n???i?? and 21d)novelist's hightpoint in audio book(5) I...
17a) Three Degrees split by parts of deal in small-time American Club (8,3) I have ??s?b?l?/??? 22a) Experimental garment? It's altered a lot, including 13 (3,4) ???/?o?? (I have ABC for 13) 26a)...