Stuck on last few. 13a Record regularly seen semiurban garden spider (6) E - E - R - 14a Behave badly eating first slice of honey cake (6) - - - N - L Looks like simnel but can't parse.... ...
The theme is "things with wings" TO H B in Y S The theme is "miscellaneous" T M to Y L The theme is "Highways" The M in T S. Could be man in the street but seems a... ...
1a Fish caught by bore (4) C?A? CHAR maybe? it's a fish but can't parse further 19d Characters in sawmill regularly cut a tree (4) ?M?A Thanks in... ...
1d Each board's displaying food (8) E??????? 2d Curse you in French tongue (5) B???? 17a Sword act by that lady succeeded - go beserk (4,8) ???? , ?????E?? 21a Own aged iron boxes (7) ????E?? 12d Remains... ...
3a Short Persian king eating a fairly hot Middle Eastern dish (8) - h-w---a 6d Upset consumer choking in layers of tissue (7) ---t-n-e Have seen this answered as retinal but I'm sure the last... ...
2d Deity was victorious tackling heartless duke (5) ????N 8d Voluntary recording relation organised (12) ???C???????? 4d Break is welcome when you in Paris (6) ????U? 5d Heath plant and herb disturbed... ...
1d Remains to support small bands (6)
2d deity obliterating number of districts (4)
3D Drum from a storage unit used in series of gigs (7)
Thanks in advance...
6a Vehicle by the road gets modified fuel source (12) ????????R?H? 9a Climber overlooking gunners in gulley (4) V?E? 16a Mixes day after day fed to beasts of burden (7) ?????S? Thanks in advance...