Bishop is into rare apple drink (5) P-M--. Looks like pomme but can't parse it Joins up getting old-fashioned respect (5) S---- In retrospect failure to find a computer is unvarying (3,6) --C -A-S--...
French females barely there (9) Strange beer we hear (8) Account to Ernie's partner- yes (10) A whistle stop North of the border (4) A haven for a rabid animal (9) An arrangement of K/2 fermented...
1. A yashmak for a pixie perhaps. 2. Elementary 212 - eh! 3.Could be a great big stop on East London. I have possible answers for these but am far from certain. Many thanks.
Struggle as always with Mr Mayer. Please can someone parse 2 answers for me. 1a Adult in robe a grotesque thing (8) CHIMAERA 15a Revive rail company once buried (5,5) BEING FOUND. Many thanks
2 clues short. 2d Staff so upset by official announcer going round (7) - r - - - e -. 10a Instrument loses a straight line and creates more instruments (5) H - R - - Thanks in anticipation