Stuck on 3 answers. 9d-Naivety worsens in dull position (13) ?n?o?l?l?????. 19a-clown number 500 kept warm (8) ?o?o???d. 21a-Fleet st in a whirl when caught by dreamer (9) ?a?t???s?. Any help...
Stuck on 2 clues. 12a-milk juice, a Zen recipe for Miss Marple (5,8). ?u?i?, m?k???I?. 4d-pet handler' got me worried (6'7) ?o?d??,?a?s?e?. help appreciated.
Stuck on a few clues. 24a-water, alas, made impure. (5,3) a?a?s, ?l?. 16d-panic this year in resort (8) ?y?t?r??. 27a-a new member returned, a woman (6). ???e??. 19d-retire for the night in base,...
JUst a few clues left to solve. 12a-Parisian thugs smash instrument (7,6) ?p?n?s?, g?i?a?. 18a-Peckham resident treating one dry foot (6,7) ?o?n?y, ?r?t?h?. 14d-secret place for DIY, he got out of...
3 clues left to solve! 11a-make assertion about daughter's dexterity (10). a?r???n?s?. 9d-primate shown moving enthusiastically (4,4,4,). ???h ???r ?r?s. 16a-concerning a very large strut inside (7)...
Two clues left to solve. 9a-roughen up a certain Mr Pitt with energy (6) a?r?d?. 14a-one back in rugby team leaving space between locks (6,7) c?n?r?, p?r?i?g. Any help appreciated.
Just 3 clues left. 16a-Colloquial French word, one embraced by co-host (7). ?e?o?i?. 22a-burn fish when head's removed (4). r???. 19d-dash noisily to distress signal (5). ???r?. Thanks in advance.
Stuck on a few clues. 20a-How disgraceful honey, a tailless mouse cooked (5,2,3). ???m?o???u. 17d-a keen lot parasites haven't finished with fibre (7)-?c???I?. 13d-Baby carrier-perhaps he lets out to...
Stuck on last 2 clues. 56a-practice of seizing advantageous chances (11). ?p?d?t?n?s?. 40a- speak with spasmodic repetition (7) ?t?t?e? All help appreciated....
Stuck on 50d-? Twistleton, character in P G Wodehouse's Uncle Fred books (5). p?n?o. I have Epicentre for 49a- point on Earth's surface directly above focus of an earthquake, which contains "p" for...
Stuck on a few cluses. 4d burst in with scamp overweight, say (7) ?m???d?. 21a Publicity regulated by paparazzi? (8) e???s?r?. 42a villains crimes shateer workers (10) ??s?r???t?. 25d old festive...