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RRKKTENYAO rearrange these letters to find a reality star, I can't do it!...
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I just want to finish yesterdays first.....11A. Title is a long sentence-"A Look at Time" ( L-f-/ P-e-a-e) Thank you
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This is driving me dotty....What do the following words have in common, PURR, DRAUGHT, FOUR, HOLE ,KNOWS, PROPHET ? I've given up!...
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Still finishing Saturdays..... 1 across,.Unruly person revealing rip-off, T-a-a-a- (8 ,letters) Thankyou
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Still doing yesterdays! 1d, Fellow gets wild steer togo off F-s-r- thankyou
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5 down please, skilled craftsman a-t---c--. Also 6down, Foreign policy based on money, D-l--/D---o---y? Brain not in gear this morning, thankyou very much.
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Broadcast whose audience is late.. G-a-e-a-d/ ---t. Thankyou in advance .
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My king charles cavalier, Bailey, has recently had an anal gland infection. He was prescribed amoxylin but was left with a yellow mucus discharge which was so sticky it made his bum fur rock hard. We...
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My king Charles Cavalier, Bailey, recently had an anal gland infection and was prescribed amoxylin. This didn't work so he was given a 2 week course of Clynicin,( another antibiotic,) after which he...
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Cunning, finding shelter and setting sirens . 9 letters. --e-i-e-s Thankyou
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Find cobalt in a new form of plants ..9 letters B-------l
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containing two fundamental parts (27d) d-a-o-i- thank you in advance
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Quiz of the week, what 6 letter word for a bird of prey is derived from the Latin verb "to sieze"? I'm thinking, raptor or osprey..
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run decent seat over-that takes stamina ,e-----n-e,-e-t (13a)
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9d General look at aircraft, (10,4) -e---o-t-r view. Also 13a Poem back in silly diary (5) --y-- many thanks in advance
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Still doing yesterday's! Dessert has space to improve --e-t-n and 1d force university costume to be excluded d-r---- thanks in advance ..
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Boat with wing shaped blades on the underside of the hull that lift it clear of the water at high speeds. 29 across, -y-----o-l thank you in advance.
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yearning for the nest (1d) H---s-n-- thankyou
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Stuck on three, 26A Arranged carefully S-----, (6 letters)21A It's found to the rear of the skull H-----A-N (9 letters) and 18D Carried along __R__. (5 letters) I think the first one may be styled but...

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