need one to finish 7d) play truant (5) D?I?E , i though skive but the d at start is part of 5a) two wheeled carriage (6) , i have tandem, the A & M are correct thanks
help needed, ive thrown the clues in the bin but here goes 4d) A?U? , i think its a plant question, is the answer arum ? all help appreciated and apologies for being an idiot !!
bit of help needed please. 33a) made financial savings (10) E???A?IS?D 27d) british porceain (5) S???A, i thought spode but that would knock out 39a) minute particle , flAke 40d wedge K?e?t thanks
a few to get, all help appreciated 57a) fire engine (9) A-P-I-N-E 91a) alcohol soaked sponge (3,4) ---/-A-A 92a) brewery worker (7) D-A-M-N 84d) railway union (1,1,1) N-- 85d) warning sign (7) S---T-M...
help needed novels main female character (7) , --R---E ? Thanks, i thought heroine but that would knock out short letter (4) , i have note , the o is 5th letter in 1st clue