Normally I don't really pay attention to them, and only have a passing interest in astrology. I never look at horoscopes daily, I have more of an interest in finding out what kind of a person they...
Ive been with my partner for 5 years and for the past few months ive felt unhappy. I love him and want to spend my life with him but he shows no enthusiasum - never makes suggestions, always looks...
Would love some advice from those with experience in this area... If you read my previous posts, went through some really tough times with my ex. To summarise, we were together for around 4 years and...
Employee's have 23 days holiday which is accrued, I assume on a weekly basis.
What's the calculation I would need to use? I'm awful at maths :(
Hi there, My friend has been going through a bit of a rough patch at work. She doesn't like her new boss or her new clients and wants to leave - I believe that her performance has been suffering as a...
Hi there, I rent my property through an estage agency in Manchester. I'm now on a rolling contract with them. I've had a letter today, addressed to 'the present occupiers', it says: Our Client:...
My Boyfriend and I have been together nearly two years but we seem to have stayed in the same stage of our relationship for the last year. Got in touch with an old college friend who I had a crush on...
I seem to have the awful habit of falling head over heels for men who never feel the same way. When I look back ,my denial disgraceful. It would be really nice to know, while entering a new...
Hello everyone! Has anyone here used an epilator? Are the results better than shaving? Is it as painful as I think it could be?? I saw an advert for the new Braun one that's half price at the moment...
If you found out your partner was cheating on you and you were aware of the other woman's identify, would you contact her to get more truth? To hear her side? I'm in a situation like this at the...
Hi I am just looking for some tips on how to keep a long distance relationship on the right tracks, me and my boyfriend are having to spend about three and abit months apart at the minute with only...
God, I'm keeping this place running today with all of my questions... Me and my partner had signed a tenancy agreement for 6 months, we've been there for about a year now and as the 6 months have...
Hello everyone! How are we today? So, some of you might be happy to know that my partner and I have finally decided to call it a day. I've been taking this really well so far - in fact, the only day...
Hi guys, I hope that you're all well - I was just looking for some reassurance. I rent a two bed unfurnished property in Manchester City Centre, have recently broken up with my boyfriend and he has...
Ive been married for a year on Friday, and although I know my husband loves me, hes never been big into sex. Last night I saw his lovely big stash of porn on his xbox. He obviously stays up at night...
We have only really known each other a month but the instant we met online he lived near, attractive it was like we was made for each other.. he instantly give me his number and got on so well.. this...
Hi When I was in my mid-late 20’s I used to live in Paris and unfortunately started smoking French cigarettes heavily (about 30-40 a day). This as a result has left me with stained teeth. Not...