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1998 V introduced 1975 MTD 1963 PPS elected 1956 The first TTC installed from S to NS 1953 DBH 1948 N of R in B 1946 CAA unveils ERT for CF 1909 L of MR, JHM Born...
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Went to see Mark Kermode last night talking about his book, really good show, catch it if you can.
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1909 L of M R, J H M born 1921 C T D introduced 1922 S W Lfounded S S 1923 T C C opens in N Y 1930 R R creator of I W born 1984 T H becomes P L after R by P L 2003 S S c disintegrates 2005 J S...
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When there are two authors of a book of fiction, how does it work? I can understand a factual book being co-written but does anyone know how two authors write a fictional story?
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http://www.dailymail....-6m-benefit-scam.html No comment really needed, article says it all...
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As if it isnt bad enough what he did to Jamie Bulger,now he does this.Imagine if it was his girlfriend and his child,and she has to deal with the fact he turns out to be Jon Venables too.
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I know he killed her son in disgusting circumstances,and he got off lightly,but is this new crime any of her business? Apparently she has demanded to meet Jack Straw so he can tell her what he's...
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Love him or loathe him you have to admit that he is a fantastic tennis player.
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Can these go together (wife says no - I say yes)? If yes can you provide links to photos to (hopefully) convince her. We are going to a wedding in 3 weeks & she is wearing a black dress & doesn't want...
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stop being a novel & become literature?
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Could anybody tell me why, when travelling east from the Finchley Rd. there are so many boarded up & generally derelict looking houses on the north circular?
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dr pop
I am knocking together a sport round for halloween in which I am asking people to name the sport that the following halloween related teams/individuals play.Unfortunately I need 6 and am struggling...
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lele g
hi see if any of the Elvis Cole series of novels were made into a film which 1 would you want it to be and which actors would you choose to play Elvis and Joe??
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My husband and I are off to London for the weekend soon and we're planning on going to see the Woman in Black at the Fortune Theatre while we're there. I read the book at school and saw the film and...
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Hi...why are some people soo ungrateful. They post a question...... we spend our time trying to answer it the they never say thanks. Make me wonder why we bother sometimes :(
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if someone hits you for a long time what will you develop. The word begins with a c and it means u wont feel it. does anyone know? cheers
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The Ponderer
Have read all the Foundation books except Foundation and Empire and can't seem to find it in any local library. Refuse to pay money for a book I will only read once as a matter of principle. Anyone...
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who is your favourite peripheral Simpsons character? I'm torn between Chief Wiggum and Comic Book Guy.
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What was the nickname of the serial murderer who killed several women in the 19-th century London?
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Why do artists call their greatest hits albums greatest hits when really they are all the artists songs with usually 2 new ones thrown in. Surelly a greatest hits album should be what it says, their...

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