Took your advice Islasmum.... As well as the tablets, we've got to get some liquid stuff into him. No chance in the food so tried the blanket again - well a new blanket without holes or bloodstains....
Well, what can I say? I tried Starbuckone's tip & used a blanket - it's shredded, I'm shredded & my flatmate is shredded. The beast has gone on hunger strike & will only eat anything that...
Sorry, for the title, couldn't resist. Anyway, Smoke the Mog had to go to the vets yesterday for an abcess on the back of his head lancing. He now looks like a monk with the bald patch. He's got to...
10:00pm tomight somebody shoved a large wheely bin into the road. A young Afghan cab driver stopped to move it & two oiks in masks ran out & took off with the car. The cab driver has just left...
So, Smoke the Mog won't let me comb him. I've tried a furminator, comb, rake, you name it he just gets up & walks away. But he's now developed a new habit. He sits outside on the decking demanding...
Morning all. What's the best chat up line you've ever heard or used? My favourite has to be the chap who walked up to me in a bar, slapped a book of stamps down on the table & said "I've...
Is it possible for cats to get hay fever? Smoke is having sneezing fits a few times a day sometimes the sneezing is so bad he lifts off whatever he's decided is his bed for the day.
The landlord has the buiders in at the mo & yestedayI was at home when this chap appeared. He was chatting to the builders & then to me. Asking what I thought to the work & how good it...
Does anyone know if it's possible to mix your own colours & then save them for future use? I know they appear under recent colours but they disappear when you close the application. TIA for any...
I got woken up this morning by the mog licking my arm instead of headbutting me. At first I thought, Ahh how sweet. Then it dawned, he wasn't being sweet, he was basting me.
Hi, I have a Syntek DV2004 video camera (I know, I know but it's good enough for me!) and I can't find the disc. Does anyone have any idea where I can get a driver for it? TIA for any help.
Well, we finally got some snow yesterday and the cat went beserk. Running round in circles like lunatic, pouncing on it, rolling around in it and throwing it around. Then he just sat out in it for an...