Please can anyone tell me who actually voted her back in? She got 92% of the vote to be evicted and BB is trying to tell us that she has been voted back in!! I don't think so! Mickey was only voted...
so horse face grace got in along with nikki lea and mikey, who will go into the house, i think prob lea or nikki i can't see the housemates choosing grace and apart from glyn can't see anyone choosing...
Evening folks, would just like to tell you all the my b/f's neice gave birth to twins today.....a boy and a girl.....6lb 1 and 6lb 2 and she has named them Harry and Holly. Just thought I'd share that...
i was wondering what kind of flavoured crisps from years gone by can anyone remember i remember way back in the early seventies sweet and sour crisps and they were always firsst sold out at tuck shop
Does anyone remember the name of the packet of chocolates where they were brown on the outside and white in the middle and then some were white on the outside and brown in the middle. Looked a bit...
who do u THINK will go in and is it the same as who you WANT to go in? Does anybody actually want Grace to go in?????? Im afraid she might go in but i REALLY dont WANT her to return. Its soooo obvios...
Does anyone remember a programme called Chorlton & the Wheelies? I used to love it when I was little but whenever I mention it to people they look at me as if I'm slightly mad!! Please tell me I...
My husband has grown up with the nickname Charlie, which matured to Chaz several years ago. Everyone knows him as that. We are due to have a baby in 13 days, and boys names are proving difficult. We...
Hey all, first time posting a q on here! Anyway, to the point, me & my partner have 2 dogs, 2 year old Samoyed & a 1 yr old Dobermann, problem is they are mental! We have tried training them, but if...
My feet are still sore and I am dreading the predicted heatwave, is there a really cool reason to skive off for a week? go on use your imagination and give it your best shot. dotty xxxx PS evil bints...
I have just been watching Back to the future 2, and I noticed a string of now famous actors in supporting roles, such as Elijah Woods, Billy Zane and the most surprising one, Flea from the red hot...
I am surprised that you all seem to be taking this latest (twist/rip off) as a matter of fact. You should read the furore going on in the channel4 forum. This is the death knell for BB.
Cant help myself,gotta watch it but do think that derek acorah is a bit of a fruit-case,cant work him out,is he for real,anyway,there was something a few months back about him being caught out or...