"And here's Moses Kiptanui, the 19 year old Kenyan, who turned 20 a few weeks ago” (David Coleman) "We now have exactly the same situation as we had at the start of the race, only...
Now excuse my ignorance as I'm a city boy, but just n ow looking at the C4 horseracing where they are being ridden to within an inch of their lives whilst having their rear beaten/smacked with a stick...
im going to make a smoothie but cant decide what to put in it, i have; peanut butter, lime, papaya, passionfruit, strawberry nesquick, mango, bananas, and haribo sweets, hmmm, what shall i use?
to the extent he's always doing something disgusting at our house. Hes peed in the kitchen sink, the conservatory and in a wardrobe and the last time he was here i found him pleasuring himself with...
Are you still in your PJs or nighty or nightwear? or is it me who feels lazy, can't be arsed, don't want to mood. My H is like a sergeant major, Up showered, shaved, dressed, ready for whatever is...
About 4pm I found a badly injured moorhen in my garden. Almost certainly has a broken leg, and an injured wing. My FH caught it and put it in a bucket in the downstairs loo. I phoned a charity for...
I am going to a friend's house for a curry tomorrow (my husband is staying home to look after the kids) - what should I take. I know her from the school run and haven't known her very long and I don't...
When magnets are being made and have been magnetised - how do they go about packaging them without them attracting/repelling one another or sticking to the machinery used in the packing process?...
omg i hope hes ok i am suppose to be going to see him at lg arena in birmingham on thursday , i reakon its gall stones going by what was shown on his tv show , and haters dont post to say how sad i am...