Yesterday at work whilst I was tidying the magazine area, one of those catalogues, fell out of one. Ya know the ones, filled with things like pinnies to protect your clothes, kaftans and lace doilies...
Enough is enough and I'm sick of being controlled and a slave to nicotine and purposefully administering this slow acting carcinogenic poison to myself. Originally I thought I'd start in the new year...
mine was when my Dad took a shovel of 'fire' from the grate and put it in the fireplace in my bedroom where the patterns of the fire danced on the ceiling, new PJs, a hot water bottle in my bed (no...
Now you're awake this should be easy - - - -
There are 6 eggs in a basket, - 6 people each take one egg
How can it be then that one egg is left in the basket???
Quote of the week, from the Apprentice and seen on Harry Hills Tv burp.
Alex-'I think outside the box, if I was an apple pie the apples inside me would be orange'
Many people ask as to why people come onto AB with their medical problems instead of phoning NHS direct.
Might this be ONE of the reasons?
Hi - I have an old silver sugar basket with glass liner. It looks like silver but it has no hallmark or any other markings. I have heard that if the metal warms up in your hand (which it does) then it...
With the news that Jason Mumford and Eva Longoria's husband Tony Parker joining the swelling ranks of male celebrities who are caught playing away (be it sex or just sexual texting- sexting?), im...
I'm thinking of purchasing these and I want to know whether weighing at the high end throws the calibration out for lower measurements? there not an indignant, nationalistic outburst anywhere here on AB (or have I missed it ?) from the usual contributors over the news item that a man (with a distinctly non-anglo-saxon sounding...