stumped on several but the following would help immensely: 1a- "deserting sailors as south american enters boat"(14) 7d "considered names for wife's sounded 'horsey'" (7) anyone else daft enough to do...
23a Lady holding title only after her second game (5) C - E - S, so presumably CHESS. I have a theory regarding the wordplay, but I'd be interested to see if others have the same idea.
1.What is said to be the least nutritious fruit or vegetable. 2.What is the meaning of the welsh word Llan. 3.How tall or small was Tom Thumb. Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thanks I
5d heavy rough surfaced silk fabric first made in china s-a-t-n- 32d decorative strip of frilled or pleated fabric on a garment --c-e 31a realm occupied by humankind in norse mythology m-d-a-- thanks
25a Goddess of the Underworld in Greek mythology(6) _e_a_e. I think there's an error here, because it should be Persephone which obviously doesn't fit. I think it might be Hecate who is Moon goddess....
Tropical American plants with clusters of purple blooms, also called floss flowers. I know floss flowers are ageratum so is plural agerataes. Google says no such word. Thanks Pat
23a cone shaped fruit of american tropical tree chrysophyllum vainito. Google has been totally unco-operative and I cant' find it on previous Answerbank pages. Is the answer so obvious and am I so...
much mention is made of edward longshanks being 6ft 4ins tall (tallest uk monarch?) -but what about edward 2 and 3rd surely they inherited longshanks height?