32a Do ring after large number held in Jerusalem? (6) T?N?TO (I have TENUTO which is a musical term meaning sustained and I'm guesing that "Jerusalem" refers to the hymn rather than the city but I...
14a A bubble formed in a liquid (4) ?E?L 15d A vessel for holding liquids, as a wooden cup, water bottle, tin can or oil drum (5) ?I?O? or ?Y?O? 21d Of a photographic negative, opaque (7) I?D?N?E
1a In Kingston, hang about before noon on the brink of consciousness (5) LIM?? (Could it be limbo and why?) 4d ... not one keen ... (6) ?ARRO? 18d Skill in missing Latin satirist (7) ?AR?IAL (Could it...
Just can't get to grips with these last few. 7a Take my picture over there instead (6) R?H??? 16a Cause pain to a snake (4) N??? 25a Ran for Union status (6) ?L???D 8d Presumably everyone is staying?...
1a In old Scots law, rent paid in kind (4) C??? (Might be CORN but can't seem to confirm this.) 30a In old law, any reparation or compensation paid. (4) ?O?T (Could this be TORT?) 2d Rhythmical or...
Am completely stumped by the top right hand corner this week. 8a Perthshire town which is a popular tourist centre for the Trossachs (9) ?A?????K? 11a To wipe, cleanse or purge (8) A?????i? 26a A...
10d Perpatetic philosopher getting a mention. (8) ?AND?RE? (possibly either wanderer or wandered but can't fit in the philosopher) 16d Fear about a letter being used for the first time (8) ?LE?HIN?...