Have only tried this Xword a couple of times before & I'm really struggling to finish it. 11a Notice NI party make sense (5, two words) AD?U? 4d Eggs yet to be cooked, note (4) RA?U 9d Is tense after...
5d Beat with hands raised ? (7) O?T?O?E 20d Statesman pale beneath the moon (5) I?W?N Jumbo 42a Round cape, man hitched (6) C?U?B? Jumbo 46a Way of life further suffocated, initially (5) M?R?S
When we were on holiday in Devon last week I noticed stickers on the postboxes stating trhat the Sunday collection would be cancelled from the end of October.There was also a phone-in programme about...
5d Senor Zorro's the sneak lifting American's fried cakes (8) ?r?l?e?s. Thought this might be "grillers" but can explain it in any way. The Indy's getting quite dificult now with foreign phrases and...
16d Common people in France having little time to occupy place in theatre row (5,4) T???S ?T?? If this is a French phrase then I'm afraid my basic knowledge of French doesn't extend that far
Can someone tell me - before I go out and buy one - when you have finished using the fountain and you empty the chocolate out can you reuse it? (the chocolate that is, not the machine!) I would assume...
20d Strips lead from chimney in pub's new refurbishment (8) U???U?B? Have absolutely no idea about this one but I'm thinking chimney might be 'lum' and the answer might start UM???......
23a. A silly old fool 10 to a premature end? He did. (4,4) ?l?o ?o?o (n.b. I think that 10 = "coming " as that is the answer to 10a.) If it's any help there was a theme based on cardinal numbers for...
Struggling with the last two clues and would appreciate a little help, please. 19ac Really bothered, ran the twit in (8 ltrs) --r-s-e- I want to put harrassed or stressed but cannot see why! 19dn Sap...