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I need to find a hotel in Cardiff for next friday but I looked at Travelodge and it's booked up because of the Rugby so now I can't be bothered. Twin room please. Thanks.
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Can someone help me find the official video for Just Jack - The Day I Died. All the ones on You Tube seem to be junk that other people have made.
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Talk about near miss!
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They're like p1ssholes in the snow.... :-( Sorry, Milly. ;-)...
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Why does every post I look at on here seem to be about alcohol today? I can't take it.
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Hi all I have been given a bottle of absinthe(yes, really). I believe that this has an aniseed flavour/smell. I do not like aniseed and have, in the past, had to move away from people who were...
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Why does a talented footballer like Fabregas have to resort to cheating (again) ,attempting to get a penalty awarded, Why was he not booked ? ,
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I like this site, because you can discuss things that might be awkward to speak to friends and family about. Therefore, I am 100% genuine in all my questions and answers. To me, although you all seem...
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on the back of JD's post.... of those who you haven't met or don't know what they look like, what do you imagine them to look like?
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A relatively new friend of mine (I've only known him 2 months) has just turned 21 and although I don't know him THAT well I really like him as a person so I'd like to get him a small gift... just...
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I'm taking a guess that some people here do..... Anywho, I just realised the office line still had the 'closed for xmas' message on it so had to change it. On listening back I sound like a whiny...
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I have just had the worst hair cut of my life and it cost me (in my eyes anyway) a small fortune. I didn't say a word, although she knew I wasn't happy as she kept making those petulant, eye rolling...
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Ed, Well done - er, can I ask? Are you always that quick?...
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if you were my lover and breaking up with me what would be your 'departing song'
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played this before and sometimes it hilarious paste the last thing you copied lol heres mine Being a fisherman I have fertilized many a field. Always pick a spot near to a patch of large dock leaves....
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Just popped to Tesco to get some munch as on my way I was passed by two fire engines with sirens going and flashing lights. As they went past I got a shiver down my spine, like you get when 'someone...
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should you just go along with it, abiding by their wishes, not complaining etc or confront it, show them its over the top and petty and go along with it but challenge it too or just outright challenge...
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I read a story yesterday about a soldier, probably in Afganistan who had left a message on what he though was his girlfriends phone but he dialled the wrong number. He told her he loved her about 100...
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apart from a brief stay in college,and have always been put off by hearing your neighbours and neighbours hearing you,some modern semi's can be bad! Is it true that the age of the building equates to...
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Is it me or did anyone else feel that some customers are sitting ducks? Most were complaining that the sales staff were pushy and wouldn't leave them to look around. One woman went as far as to say...

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