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I just received a 'phone call from India telling me that I had been chosen as a privileged Microsoft Company customer to see what problems I had on my computer system. This call took almost 45 mins./...
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When our pets are in pain and we know they will not get better we humanely put them to sleep. Yet when it comes to people they have to suffer to die. Surely you suffer to get better, not to die. Yet...
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it seemed real but you never can tell. I quite enjoyed it.
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A female MP (Jo Swinson) has sucessfully campained to get the advertising standards agency to ban misleading cosmetic adverts from magazines etc. Hard to see how the companys can justify it. Mabelene...
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I've promised I'll take my six (and a half!) year old niece on one of our days out to London during the summer holidays. She wants to see where the Queen lives and we're going to the Natural History...
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I was watching this film last night but gave up and fell asleep on what was probably the last advert. The last bit I saw was when Angela was telling Nev her disabled son was probably about to knock...
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Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future? I myself am extremely pessimistic. I tend to believe that the human race is on a downward spiral that will be impossible to halt. Climate...
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do they get to you usually? They are just dvds and games I am buying thanks...
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Amy Winehouse`s dad Mitch has often been quoted as saying she was always "Daddies little girl", do you think he could or should have done more to help her beat her demons?
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a future contestant who had 'I love AB' on the back of his/her hand?
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My landlord and his wife (who both live abroad) have had letters from the local County Court for Order for Possession and a notice of eviction by 15 August. I rent this property from them, through an...
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My 'bullet wound' is now nearly healed but I am still needing to wear dressings over it until it stops discharing. Because I've been having the dressings on about 2 months now my skin is reacting from...
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I have been sickened by some of the horrible comments i have heard about aw...on here, on facebook, in life etc - its one thing to dislike her and not care shes gone, but to be glad & wish her...
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I just noticed on Facebook a friend put the following and it seems odd to me. "Opened a door on my big toe at work. Bled quite a bit and got dressing on it. Got to send clippings from it in 6-8...
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I saw this today and thought I would share it with you. It's worth reading some of the Q&A's too.
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My friend wants to go on the above. Does anyone know the cost? Thanks.
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when out with your O.H. or partner and enjoying yourself, a song / record/ or a selection of a song puts you in tears with past memories?
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I've got a few little bumps and scratches on my car (mostly not through my own doing, apart from when I kicked it) and it's just occured to me they are mostly all on the same panel. Any idea of what...
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In addition to my husband's other ailments, he has now fallen and broken his elbow (not ideal when you're on crutches). They've not put it in plaster incase the bone doesn't set properly, so he's just...

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