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Miss Betty

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Why do some people speak almost every sentence, as though they are asking a question? I noticed this about eight years ago and it's usually young people who do it. Have they been watching too many...
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I'm a normal guy, in my 30s, not handsome but not ugly either, I dress ok and talk ok and am generally considered to be a really nice guy. Yet I cannot get a woman to go out with me, at least as a...
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actress in sensodyne tv advert
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Whats the best advert on TV in the last 10 years. Best TUNE, best LAUGH, most memorable
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WHat is the easiest and fastest way to lose 5 to 10 pounds of stomach fat?
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"You hear what I said Miss Kubelik? i absolutely adore you" is a line from which movie? Who said it?
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Miss Betty
Does anyone know how I make this dessert?
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'dressed to the nines' what is the origin and what does it mean?
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Where does this confusing phrase come from, and why does it state the obvious?
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i am intrestes int the origin of the term 'chewing the fat' to meen to chat with your chums, does any one know where this odd phrase came about?
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How do I stop my broken heart from hurting? I cant eat or sleep or think about anything else

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