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just wondering who 'name8' is as we're both new and both seem to heard of sidewalk knowledge??i seem to b mistaken for you!!!!!!!
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who is 'sidewalk knowledge;
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Hi, Does anyone have any? Mine is that all of my clothes are arranged in order of colour eg drawer 1 = black tops, drawer 2 = white tops etc and I've got a bit of a thing about colour co-ordinating...
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wonder years
dont you just hate it if you join a dead long thread and then your the last and nobody answers after you i feel like billy no mates so iam allways dead glad when i get answer after me so go on make me...
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start writing a reply to a thread and then just think, "Oh I can't be bothered" and delete it?? Happens to me quite often, especially when I'm drawn to post in News. Maybe my self preservation...
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hi im just wondering, does anyone else find that they kill threads? there could be 20 answers and i put one down then nothing. i should maybe start ending my replies with .. i'll get me coat
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wonder years
hes mine m jackson lets dance and shout shake your body to the ground i used to think it was shake your body like tooth brush, mud on the dance floor instead of murder, valarie instead of out of...
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im so board and i cant find anything to do,i even searched my body for an unusuall rash just to tell booldawg about!!!its not much fun being a newbie!!!!how long do i stay green for???
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what is ronoldinihio's surname???
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who sang 'me and mrs brown??'its been doing my head in since they sang it on scrubs!!!
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is the song with the words' aint nobody gonna turn me around turn me around,gonna keep on walking'off the bodyform ad a real song,or is it just for the ad???
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wonder years
just lately i keep forgeting loads of things i,ve allways been a bit of a scatter brain but lately i am really bad, asked my husband and he said i do have great deal to remember and i have a lot of...
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any1 else feelin as fed up as i am
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being an unpopular newby i was just wondering whats been the longest thread??yes i am board
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this is going to get of a lot of answers, give the name of the song and band (or person) that plays it and we'll see what you think is the best song of all time
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ive got blackheads.horrible i know but can you please advisse me on how to clear them up without squeezing them as enjoyable as that may be!!!!!!!
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after seeing the jumping on a train question it made me wonder....if you were on a crashing plane and jumped into the air just before it hit the ground would you have more chance of surviving because...
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I want to travel the world but im petrified of the whole flying thing has any one got any advise please x
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as horrible as it sounds i eat my own hair,im really not proud of this but i dont know how to stop any advise???????
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how do you no when a relationships come to the end? after 5years i feel nothing for my partner. no hate but no passion. its horrible but im just not bothered any more. can any one enlighten me...

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