What is a trougun,(I nmight not be spelling that right) I have got an alert that I have got 16 of them.How did I get them,and can I get rid of them.Now remember I'm only 6 years old. Thank You.
I have to post this one tomorrow, help please.Answers are all colours, no amont of letters given. 1. The coour of the December birthstone. 2, A naval sailor. 3. The colour between red and green. 4. To...
for being shocked and saddened by the death of michael jackson. The people on here tonight who have made fun of his passing can only look to their conscience for being so fickle, but those who have...
You are allowed to run in and save ONE item. What would it be? (Size or weight is no hindrance) I`d be very boring and take my personal file with original deeds, marriage certificates (three!) etc
Hi folks i know this may sound a silly question but do any of you know what roughly what time the 24 hour stores like, Asda, Tesco, etc etc get their morning papers in the store. I have heard some get...