Did anyone watch the programme about Scott Walker on BBC 1 Tuesday evening and what did you make of it? I used to love him when he was in the Walker Brothers but I really don't understand what he's...
Please please help, I am at my wits end.I had a load of music files that I downloaded from Limewire and they go into my music file, but I accidently deleted them from the Limewire library and they...
There seem to be lots of strange things that happen in Corrie. Where are all the cars? Most people in the street probably own one but where do they keep them? Last night (Sun ) Claire came out of the...
Can anyone help with these 2 questions please? 12) Just off the A6 she built an infant school and church and lived at Woodside? 13) This 21yr old is Eden's best known lonely heart? Thanks in advance.
There are so many stupid adverts that seem to have nothing at all to do with the product. Which advert really gets on your nerves? The one I can't stand at the moment is the North East woman talking...
Thanks for your help with the above and for those of you interested in a bit of nostalgia check out http://www.radiorewind.co.uk/listings1960sradi o1.htm where you can find the listings of Housewives...
On the advert for Country Life spreadable where all the animals are cleaning up while the woman eats her toast, the song that they play is familiar to me but I suspect it was from quite a few decades...
For all the ladies who were wondering who the man in the red suit is in the Debenhams ad,his name is Bruce Sone and he's a freelance dancer who happens to be French. Shame he didn't have a speaking...
Posting this here as I don't know where else I can ask and it is musical (slightly) Does any one remember a game from the 80's (I think). It was circular and round the edge where different coloured...
I can remember seeing a list of words that used to mean something entirely different in days gone by. A mouse would be something that would scurry across the kitchen floor. Windows were something you...
Is there a section for the above? There are so many simple questions I would like to know the answer to i.e How to shell a hard boiled egg without taking half the egg with it?.Would I post this under...
I've just had all the old plants removed from my garden and new turf laid.The picket fence around my garden is brown but in lots of places it's gone green. Will this come off with anything or will I...
When I was a little girl, my Mum used to sing a little french ditty to me.I have no idea how it is spelt so I will spell it as I remember it. Allo weta -----allo wetta allo wetta -----. I know this is...
My granddaughter who is 3months old has suddenly decided she will not go to anyone except her Mummy and Daddy.This is very upsetting for me and others who she was happy to go to before, and it gives...