Still no sign of Cameron closing the lead on Labour. UKIP and the Libs still in the doldrums as... Clearly the public have lost all confidence in the EU but leaving aside our personal views on the subject, do you think a major nation leaving would...
I went to the first session of St Marks gospel which as I'm sure you know starts with the prophecy of Isiaah, on which the Christain myth depends. I told them the whole prophecy is a lie and a...
But many have prayed in vain for health, happiness, peace, and prosperity. In fact, some feel that God does not really listen to prayers. Yet, the Bible calls him the “Hearer of prayer.”—Psalm... By the way - stunning defence: "The General Teaching Council panel noted that McNally had suggested that, after a long career, he had made...
Almost half a million for THAT? I'm all for preserving history but somebody has got more money than sense IMHO....
Hillary that is ... Hillary Clinton is busy making alliances and working for key Democrats - presumably with an eye to nomination as their Presidential Candidate in 2016. I was always a vociferous...
I didn't think calling a black person coloured was racism? Not sure what else the women said on the phone, but it seems very petty to me. Also, £80 a week seems a lot for one person in her mid 70s!...
They abandoned the child in Greece several years ago. They had 9 other children and say they couldn't afford to keep her. The child has been looked after by the Greek couple since she was a baby and...
Or is it? Should science be tampering with nature's designs?
A strangely beautiful (and very short) summary of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Just thought I'd share.... Well now some wont have a job to strike over. Hope Unite is happy. Just how can they expect a...
It is the nature of man not to lead a solitary life but to try to settle down and have children.(mark 10:6-9) However, marriage has become less and less popular. Is it the divorce rate that scares...