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5d one who is better than outward appearances suggest (6,3) s?n?e? c?t I may well have one or more letters wrong Thanks for any help
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Is 1across rabbit's walk? (Clue: a 1930s dance 7,4) I can't seem to confirm this solution. Thanks
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Stuck on two of them. 13A Nipa palm or its leaves used for thatching (4) ?t?p 23A Variety of edible seaweed (4) u?v? Many thanks
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23a Star whose luminosity changes regularly or irregularly (8) I have ?a?i?b?n One Across gives me ratisbon but I don't seem to be able to verify this Thanks for any help
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36d Time in TV schedules after which adult themes are permissible (9) ?a?e?s?e? Many thanks
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Hi folks! I have seen the name of the composer, Mascagni, also written as Lascagli. Why is that? Is it some kind of local Italian variation? I'd be pleased to know Thanks
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I would have liked to have entered your charity quiz but the smallest amount I could have mailed to you from NZ is five pounds and that plus the postage has deterred me. I looked at your sample...
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Hi folks! Good morning from here and good evening to all of you over there! Just two to get. 2D Small fireproof dish used for baking(8) R - M - - U - - 13A Type of party that ends at midnight (10,5) C...
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Greetings and thanks for sending the two puzzles. Unfortunately they come through too large for me to be copy. They are four times the size of my screen and only the top left corner will print. I...
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I read your kind offer to seekeerz regarding Sat and Mon tekegraph GK puzzles. I have been a member of the DT crossword society for some years now and do the daily cryptics and Sunday GK and my wife...
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This question comes from Algebraical Problems by Miles Bland. (My edition dated in the early 1800s). A city barge, with chairs for the company and benches for the rowers, went a summer excursion, with...
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Two darts are thrown into a standard dartboard and both score. Obviously the lowest possible total is 2. What is the lowest total that these two darts cannot score?
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If two darts are thrown into a dartboard and both score, in how many different ways could their total be 15? (The order of scoring is immaterial)
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To johnalex and yapisle. Sorry to have wasted your time in thinking about them. These were two of 24 in a competition and the setter shamefacedly admitted that he had printed these two incorrectly, so...
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1. Has the word BATHERS in capitals, from left to right across the middle of the square 2. Has the word DAY in capitals, large font, at the bottom of the square, positioned midway between the sides....
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1. This has BATHERS written across the middle of the square, capitals, running fully from side to side 2. The word DAY is written at the bottom of the square, large capitals, bold type and centrally...
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Baffled again! 3d Plant of lily family with sweet edible bulb (7) ?U?MAS? 19d Loose shirt worn in Africa and USA (7) ?A?H?K? 15d Fragment left from a meal (3) O?T 22d Culminating points or climaxes...
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Not doing too well this week. 2D Another name for lemon sole (5 - 3) ????R - DAB 8A Old beverage made with beer, bread sops and flavouring. (3 - 5) A?? - ?E??? Ale something? 4D River joining Tamar...
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19A Particularly useful or desirable result (3 - 3) ?A? - OFF Could it be pay-off? I hope I haven't posted this twice; I posted a few minutes ago but nothing appeared.

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