I have red hair and during the summer, bugs, greenfly, mosquitoes and various other flying things just can't get enough of me. They mainly go for my eyes and I'm constantly pickin them out. Nice, huh?...
Now then, many moons ago when I was growing up we had a Jackie annual knocking around the house with instructions for a rather fetching knitted 'egg, bacon, beans and chips' beret. Does anyone know...
The title says it all really. I'm looking for something to brighten up my north facing but fairly sheltered back door. It has to be well behaved and happy in a container. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Does anyone know James Herriot's real name? Also,what was the name of the actual village that 'Darrowby' was based on.Finally,is he dead? If so,when? Cheers!
....well that was great - all the latest 20 phrases and sayings questions disappear off the bottom by inane bloody quiz questions. My question is when are you going to put a separate quiz section on...
'Tis weird as I was going to ask the same thing! cap'n spanky it seems no-one quite answered your question, or agreed with it. If the Devil is evil and trys to corrupt us, then if we are corrupt and...
Making a simnel cake over easter prompted a religious question - do the 11 balls on top represent apostles or disciples, and more importantly what is the difference between the two?
I'm confused. I read this book once and it said there was this guy called God and his son called Jesus (or 'the christ') These people were both really good and were really nice to a few people, i...
Where can i buy a stainless steel frying pan, on its own - not part of a set? It has to be round with curved sides, not vertical. Reasonably large and around ?10........any ideas? Many thanks!
It has come to my attention that ancestors of mine have made wills (from the 18th & 19th century). I would be interested to see & read them, however they are not in the keeping of any family members....