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molly malone

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What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
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ive heard these are being discontinued. is this true? i love them!
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At school we're doing a cryptic music quiz to raise money for charity. As some of the bands are from the 50's 60's etc. im slightly too young to know them! And i can't figure some of them out anyway!...
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molly malone
I want to change my mortgage from interest only to a repayment, should i shop around or stay with Abbey?
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What is your fave beer?
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Was reading the threads below regarding crisp flavours and i realised that most people eat walkers. It got me thinking back to when i was young and walkers weren't around as much. What flavours were...
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Was just reading a previous post and it inspired me to ask.... What is your favourite batterd food? Mine is the battered pizza slice with the Fritter coming a close second. yum!
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Crisps, beans and other items are sold in multipacks, it says on the labels not to be sold seperately, what happens if I do ?
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Can I stuff and prep the turkey on Xmas Eve? Will it be okay overnight? i am a bit worried about warm stuffing into a cold turkey and then keeping it in the fridge or whatever.
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trying to find a scottish song i heard as a boy cant quite remember the song title but was about flinging bread out a twenty storey glasgow tenement building and how 700 hundred hungry children or as...
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Forgive me for sounding old fashioned but I still love to buy CD's whilst everyone else is downloading. I love to actually have CD's as they are always there to look at on a shelf rather than stored...
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Are nut allergies a relatively new phenomenon? I don't recall nuts being an issue at all until quite recently. I am talking about things like food labels, restaurant menus - even a permission slip...
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what do you eat when u get home after getting very drunk the best/worst thing you ever eaten after having 1 two many shandies like me at the mo keirah
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is it true that  ODB (old dirty ba$tard) died of a heart attack??
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Does anybody remeber the disco top thirty on radio Lux on atuesday night, with Tony prince, also whatever happened to him, it was a great show!
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I know tonight is going to end wtith a Donner Kebab. What is really in them? I fear I may not like what I hear!  
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can anyone tell me what was the name of the black female artist who sung on band aid,not dc lee some other girl.I belive her name began with sh? she may have been a group!
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Does anyone sell kop kops or cop cops ?  They were liquorice sweeties that my mate remembers from her childhood.  She comes from Salford if thats any help regards the name of the sweet - she...
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what song was sung by two 2 go on sat 23/10/04?
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Can anyone tell me some information on Aldi supermarkets please?

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