Or maybe that you tell your kids? (Nothing serious I mean). My mum told me that eating too many eggs made you egg bound (eggs must have been a bit expensive for her in those days!) and that we didn't...
I am not trying to defend anyone but i read the thread where legend had a pop at whffey and dot about disabled people (i am registered disabled by the way) anyway at 11.49 knobbynonut posted to tell...
to my bed. sod what the night nurse leaflet thing says(take day nurse and night nurse 4hr appart) im taking the ruddy thing and hoping it doesnt ruddy kill me. night night all.
I texted mrs Zacs to say 'do we need to do the dreaded 'S' word tonight' She's just texted back saying oooh how romantic, I'll wear my new Christmas outfit wink wink. I meant Shopping. How do I get...
Can anyone tell me what happened to that fantastic thread started by (I believe) tufty. It attracted nearly 400 postings about a fortnight ago. Lots and lots of wonderful memories of childhood. Please...
My youngest son has just been offered a final interview for the job of a traffc warden. What should I do? How will I live with the shame!!!!!!!!!????????
♫♫♫♫Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthday dear caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzz Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthday...
must go to bed work in the morning chico asleep with one eye open and one shut so i think he half asleep see you all tommorow be good now sweet dreams to every one xxxxxx sleep tight all xxx
hey weeal ! first Im going to eat your legs,then Im going to eat your arms,then Im going to eat your body then Im going to eat your head.How do you eat yours?