THINGS THAT ARE DIFFICULT TO SAY WHEN DRUNK: 1. Innovative 2. Preliminary 3.. Anaesthetist 4. Cinnamon 5. Chrysanthemum THINGS THAT ARE VERY DIFFICULT TO SAY WHEN DRUNK: 1. Specificity 2....
This weekend we're staying with Mrs 4GS's parents. Last week my father in law asked if I wanted to go shooting with him as he's got a spare shotgun, which surprised me as he's usually threatening to...
i had a bit of problem on here last nite i was posting an answer when somthing came up on my screen somthing like the last defender and i couldnt get rid of it but when i turned my pc off iv now got...
My alarm went at 4.00am this morning. Got up, bunged up nose & sore throat. Made a coffee while listening to the wild winds outside the house. Ventured out to catch my bus for work, crazy hailstone...
The word GIMPO has puzzled and perplexed users here.But after extensive research i can now say its officially not mocking disabled people.As a point of reference i refer you to the urban...
Ever put your hand up a guys kilt? Ever done a denise welch and flashed your knockers ? Do you wear suspenders?guys or gals. Do you like swimming? Dare you send a txt to someone now saying " i know...
Thanks for sending the pictures to me.I will post a few .But not the one where my kilt blew up.Naughty naughty.And heres a piccy of your great needle work again ....
In my home town of Liverpool, the narrow Back Entry between the Back Yards of old houses is known as 'THE JIGGER'....I understand that in Manchester it is 'THE GINNEL'..Is there a different name for...
When eating yoghurt do you lick the lid? Ever give anyone your last rollo? Ever tried line dancing? Ever tried morris dancing ? Creme egg or toffee egg ?...