Now we are all in the dungeon .A happy band of dungeoneers .It now means that all us dungeoneers are using aliases.So therefore we are infact breaking the site rules.So should we report ourselves?Or...
i see you did not want my offer of dinner today did you go to funnygirls and did you find your coat never mind the offer still stands for new years day if you so wish let you know lata what we are...
As I got another turkey as a gift. We are having the full works, stuffing, cranberry sauce and little sausages in bacon. And for afters, mini christmas pudding with brandy cream that was reduced in...
Favourite elton john song? Goodbye yellow brick road or Someone saved my life tonight ? Fvourite new years eve food ? Home made soup or nibbles ? Favourite tv presenter ? Terry wogan or Anne robinson...
Well it's got to be past my bedtime by now so I will make my way upstairs to slumberland . Hope you all sleep well and hope to see you tomorrow , night night , may your dreams be good ones :-) xxx