Can't seem to get the last 2 answers to fit. Can someone help me please with 17 down: American Antelope-like ruminant(9) and 29 across: Extinct volcano on the Island of Hawaii (5,3) Thanks in advance...
Can someone please help me with 43 across Small cutting taken from a plant for grafting, a galley proof or a creamy,clay-based mixture used to decorate ceramics s?i?
Thank you in advance...
Can someone please help me with the following 26 across; School hols a disaster(5) 43 across; Not even head displays eccentricity (7) and finally 21down ; Repaired rug in navy uniform (9) Thanking you...
Can anyone please help me with the following 16 down; Lacking professional skill (8) and 20 across Public or popular opinion (3,3)
Thanking you in advance...
Can anyone help me please wth the following :42 across Picture A(5) 45 down; Person moving abroad from appaling conditions ?m?a?e(6) 43down ; shaped like a pointed party hat ??n?n?l(6) Thanks in...
Can anyone please help with the following; 2 Down A rhetorical question (7)
e?o?e?e and 26 across An old Japanese gold coin (5) 0?a?g
Thanks in advance...
Can someone please help me with the following 42 ac; Stay up,love, in the apartment (5) 8 down ;Catch a parent being drunk (6) and finally 45 down; Crucial time (6)
Thanks in advance...
Can someone please help me with the following; 13 across Titan given time-finally (2,4)
26 across Cook santa beef for this party (9)
3 down Cut up manuscript for tests (5)
Thanks in advance...